Volunteer | Cievert

I’m a volunteer

If you are interested in helping researchers at Sheffield University to improve how healthcare is provided for people with coeliac disease, please find further information below and complete the form to register your interest.

Please find the form below

‘Investigating the use of technology to improve the long-term health of people affected by coeliac disease’

Sheffield University, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Cievert Ltd received a research grant from Coeliac UK and Innovate
UK to develop a web-based application, called Penguin, which assesses how people living with coeliac disease are coping with their gluten-free diet.

The aim will be for the NHS to use this software in order to provide more support to those patients that need it and to let those managing well get on with their lives.

Sheffield University is looking for volunteers who are diagnosed with coeliac disease to trial the software and provide feedback. This will then help improve the software design and shape how it may be used by the NHS.

Who can take part?

If you would like to take part in the study you must:

• be aged 18 or over
• have a diagnosis of coeliac disease
• have an internet connection
• have access to a computer, tablet, smartphone, or laptop
• have an email address

What is involved?

You will be asked to complete up to four sets of questionnaires over a 12-month period, each set will consist of no more than four short questionnaires – a full set should take on average less than 5 minutes to complete. You will be asked to complete all questionnaires via an online website called Penguin and you can do this from your own home. 

The questionnaires will ask you how you are feeling and how you are coping with a gluten-free diet. You will also be asked for your thoughts about the Penguin website – whether you like it, how it could be improved, etc.

To take part we require your name, email address, date of birth and postcode so that we can create a personal account and provide secure access to the Penguin website.

As a Volunteer, we will keep you updated throughout the project as to how the research is developing.

Can I expect any medical care by volunteering for this project?

By volunteering for this research, you will be helping inform the development of services delivering care for patients living with coeliac disease and improving the Penguin platform.

However, by volunteering in this project you will not receive any direct medical care from either Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust* or Cievert Ltd. If you require any clinical care whilst volunteering for this project, you will need to access this in the usual way.

* NB: If you currently receive medical from Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, this will not be affected by volunteering for this project and you will continue to receive care.

How do I take part?

This project supports one of Coeliac UK’s top ten research priorities and is aimed to benefit people with coeliac disease by improving post-diagnosis support.

If you are interested in taking part in the study and would like more information, please fill in the form below or send your name, date of birth and post code to volunteer@cievert.co.uk. Please note that by making contact and showing an interest you are not obliged to take part in the study.

NB: By volunteering, you are helping to support University of Sheffield research and are not taking part in a clinical research project.

How will my personal information be used?

By volunteering for this research project, you are agreeing to share information with Cievert and use Cievert’s Penguin software. Our Privacy Policy sets out in detail what you can expect from us and how we deal with your data.

In addition to this policy, as a volunteer you can withdraw from the project at any time and request that we delete all data that we hold on you.  Each time we ask you to complete a volunteer questionnaire, we will remind you of your rights and how you can contact us to withdraw from the project, delete your data.

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